Newsspeak – Unbiased digital news and analysis platform

Newsspeak – Unbiased digital news and analysis platform


Name: Newsspeak

Legal: Newsspeak, Inc

Location: Chicago, IL

Founded: February 2019


Social Media: 2.1K Followers on Facebook, 36 Followers on Twitter, 654 followers on Instagram

Industry – Digital News & Media

Size: $150B globally (Source: Statista)


Newsspeak is a news and media company that claims to present readers with unbiased and holistic viewpoints so that people can form their own well-informed opinions. The company focuses on topics that are debatable and then present both narratives for them. In order to help readers separate propaganda reporting from well-reasoned opinions, Newsspeak also publishes its analysis of bias (or lack of it) in reporting done by other media outlets. 

The Product

Through its online news portal, Newsspeak is democratizing the consumption of news by publishing news for readers of all schools of thought as well as for those not conforming to any. The platforms reports opinions and narratives of both sides about topics that are contentious, debatable, and where the potential of misreporting is huge. 

Newsspeak’s content is divided into three main topics – ‘Opinion’, ‘Bias & Accuracy’ & ‘In The News’. The website’sIn the News’ section is focussed on reporting facts and just that. Their ‘Opinion’ section presents detailed viewpoints on topics that are of public interest. In the ‘Bias and Accuracy’ section, Newsspeak tears down inaccurate media coverage of recent events both in the US and globally. Here, they openly call out news and media outlets that have either propagated inaccurate information or used correct information but presented it in a misleading way. They also reveal news that they believe have represented a viewpoint biased towards a particular political agenda without actually conforming to their agenda. 

Through their forthcoming and bold news portal, Newsspeak aims to contribute towards creating an informative and trustworthy media industry which they believe is vital to a truly free society. 

Origin & Founding Team

Started in February 2019, Newsspeak has a diverse team of advisors and authors. J. Edward Sawlaw, a family medicine specialist and previously a founder of a retail board games outlet, DMMD games, and Dorian Geisler – an attorney and author with an MFA in Poetry are both advisors on Newsspeak’s team. Ruschell Busch, a lawyer by profession from Michigan law School is one of the key contributing authors at the company. 

Performance & Trends

Newsspeak has raised $13k as seed funding till date. Besides their online portal, they have a reader base of >2k on Facebook.

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